We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for considering supporting our cause. Your generosity and belief in our mission to expand our reach and build capacity mean the world to us.
With your investment, you're not just providing immediate assistance; you're laying the foundation for lasting change. Together, we can create a legacy that will positively impact countless lives for generations to come.
Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your support fuels our determination to make a meaningful difference.
Get involved with Diamond In the Rough by taking advantage of our programs or joining our team.
Join Diamond In The Rough as an individual or corporate sponsor or as a collaborative partner.
Become a financial partner with a one-time or recurring
tax- deductible donation of any amount.
Additional Ways to Support Diamond In The Rough
2140 McGee Road, Suite C-640
Snellville, GA 30078
Phone: 678-376-9676
Email: admin@ditr.org